Personal Program]
15 mins
Simone Boi, Andrea Mazzino, Jan Oscar Pralits
Session: Instability and Transition 7
Session starts: Friday 28 August, 10:30
Presentation starts: 10:45
Room: Room A
Simone Boi (University of Genova (Italy), INFN (Italy))
Andrea Mazzino (University of Genova (Italy), INFN (Italy), CINFAI (Italy))
Jan Oscar Pralits (University of Genova (Italy))
The emergence of fluid instabilities in the relevant limit of vanishing fluid inertia (i.e., arbitrarily close to zero Reynolds
number) has been investigated for the well-known Kolmogorov flow. The time-lagged viscosity change from lower to higher values
due to shear changes is the crucial ingredient for the instabilities to emerge. This behavior characterizes the so-called rheopectic
fluids. The instability does not emerge in shear-thinning or -thickening fluids where viscosity adjustment to local shear occurs
instantaneously. No instability arbitrarily close to zero Reynolds number is either observed in thixotropic fluids, even though the
viscosity adjustment time to shear is finite like in rheopectic fluids. Numerical tools (through suitable eigenvalue problems from the
linear stability analysis) and multiple-scale homogenization techniques are utilized to lead to our conclusions. Our findings may have
important consequences in all situations where purely hydrodynamic fluid instabilities or mixing are inhibited due to negligible
inertia, such as in microfluidics. To trigger mixing in these situations, suitable (not necessarily viscoelastic) non-Newtonian fluid
solutions appear as a valid answer. Our results open interesting questions and challenges in the field of smart (fluid) materials.