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15 mins
DNS of turbulent mixing layers with variable density
Antonio Almagro, Oscar Flores, Manuel García-Villalba
Session: Reacting and compressible flows 2
Session starts: Thursday 27 August, 10:30
Presentation starts: 11:30
Room: Room F

Antonio Almagro (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Oscar Flores (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Manuel García-Villalba (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

We present some preliminary results of direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional, temporal, plane mixing layers with variable density. The simulations are run with a parallel in-house code that solves the Navier-Stokes equations in the Low-Mach number approximation, using a novel algorithm based on an extended version of the velocity-vorticity formulation used by Kim, Moin & Moser (1987) for incompressible flows. The simulations are run with Pr=0.7 and achieve Re_lambda=90-110 during the self-similar evolution of the mixing layer. Four cases with density ratios s=1,2,4 and 8 are presented. Our results show good agreement with previous experimental and numerical studies, and allow us to characterize the scales in the temperature spectra.