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15 mins
An LIA+EDQNM strategy to study shocked turbulent mixtures
Jerome Griffond, Benoît-Joseph Gréa, Olivier Soulard
Session: Reacting and compressible flows 1
Session starts: Wednesday 26 August, 13:30
Presentation starts: 14:45
Room: Room F

Jerome Griffond (CEA)
Benoît-Joseph Gréa (CEA)
Olivier Soulard (CEA)

Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the interaction of shock waves with turbulent mixtures are only affordable for very low Reynolds numbers. We propose here to couple the Linear Interaction Analysis (LIA) with an Eddy-Damped Quasi-Normal Markovian (EDQNM) model to get inexpensive valuable information at large Reynolds number.