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15 mins
Measurements of small radius ratio turbulent Taylor-Couette flow
Roeland van der Veen, Sander Huisman, Sebastian Merbold, Chao Sun, Uwe Harlander, Chirstoph Egbers, Detlef Lohse
Session: Vortex Dynamics 3
Session starts: Wednesday 26 August, 10:30
Presentation starts: 11:45
Room: Room B

Roeland van der Veen (University of Twente)
Sander Huisman (University of Twente)
Sebastian Merbold (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg)
Chao Sun (University of Twente)
Uwe Harlander (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg)
Chirstoph Egbers (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg)
Detlef Lohse (University of Twente)

In Taylor-Couette flow, the radius ratio ($\eta = r_i/r_o$) is one of the key parameters of the system. For small $\eta$, the asymmetry of the inner and outer boundary layer becomes more important, affecting the general flow structure and boundary layer characteristics. Using high-resolution particle image velocimetry we measure flow profiles for a radius ratio of 0.5 and Taylor number of up to $6.2\cdot10^9$. By measuring at varying heights, roll structures are characterized for two different rotation ratios of the inner and outer cylinder. In addition, we investigate how the turbulent bursts coming from the inner and outer cylinder affect the flow profiles. These results exemplify how curvature affects flow in strongly turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow.