15th European Turbulence Conference 2015
August 25-28th, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands
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Scaling analysis based on extremal point topology

Go-down etc15 Tracking Number 107

Session: Atmospheric turbulence 1
Room: Room C
Session start: 10:30 Tue 25 Aug 2015

Lipo Wang   lipo.wang@sjtu.edu.cn
Affifliation: Shanghai JiaoTong Univ.

Yongxiang Huang   yongxianghuang@gmail.com
Affifliation: Xiamen University

Topics: - Atmospheric turbulence, - Intermittency and scaling, - Lagrangian aspects of turbulence


The interaction of different scales is among the most interesting and challenging features in turbulence research. Existing approaches used for scaling analysis such as structure-function and Fourier spectrum method have their respective limitations, for instance scale mixing, i.e. the so-called infrared and ultraviolet effects. To make improvement in this regard, a new method, multi-level segment analysis (MSA) based on the local extrema statistics, has been developed. Data test results show that MSA can successfully reveal different scaling regimes in complex systems such as Lagrangian and two-dimensional turbulence, which have been remaining controversial in turbulence research. In principle MSA can generally be applied for various analyses.